General terms and conditions of delivery according to NL 01, mutatis mutandis, with the following additions and amendments.
Value added tax
The price does not include VAT or other indirect taxes, which will be charged separately according to the applicable regulations.
Terms of payment
After credit check and establishment of credit limit 30 days net.
For private individuals, payment is made in cash.
We reserve the right to demand payment in advance or before delivery in the event that we find reason to assume that there is a risk of non-payment or delayed payment. The same applies in the event that the credit period or credit is exceeded.
For registration of new customers, we need the full address and VAT registration number.
Retention of title
The goods remain the property of the seller until full payment has been received. This means that the buyer is not entitled to dispose of, insert or sell the goods until the goods have been paid for in full. Violation of the prohibition on ownership means that criminal liability under the Criminal Code may be considered.
If the buyer becomes bankrupt, files for composition, suspends payments, fails to pay debts due to the seller or if it is otherwise apparent that the buyer is insolvent, the seller is entitled to cancel the purchase or part thereof if the buyer cannot provide a bank guarantee or other equivalent security for payment.
Interest on arrears
After the due date, we charge penalty interest according to Swedish law.
Terms of delivery
Free Vansbro excl. packaging.
Quotations are valid for acceptance 30 days from the date of the quotation subject to prior sale. We are entitled to over-delivery and under-delivery in accordance with the applicable provisions for the type of goods in question.